Hunter Liggett 2014

Disclaimer: This post is flagrantly late.

I'm not sure exactly why we call it "Hunter Liggett".  In all actuality, we do not camp on the base of Fort Hunter Liggett.  Rather we pass THROUGH the base and camp in the Los Padres National Forest.  When you think about it, it's kind of like saying, "I have the flu", when in actuality, I have gastroenteritis (which I don't...I'm just using that as an example).  But everyone else calls it the flu, even when it's not truly influenza, so therefore IT IS.  Kind of like ravel and unravel.  Thank you very much, Shakespeare.

Now that I have thoroughly confused 95% of my readers, and the remaining 5% are rolling their eyes, let us move on to Hunter Liggett 2014.  Because I know, as well as you, the real reason you are reading this post.  And it has nothing to do with reading and everything to do with photography.  Rather, the subject matter of my photography.

DISCLAIMER: My time camping revolved around three things: kids, water, and dirt.  My photography greatly reflects the subjects of my attention.  However, in order to appease the general population, I threw in an occasional photo of some beautiful scenery and some dashing young men.

The first day.  Hiking to the Canyon.

Hiking up on the rocks.

Do you spy our tent?

The creek was low, but it was running.

Paradise.  God, you did good.

So, Claire told me while we were camping, "Momma, I'm three, and I don't need you to watch over me.  I only need you to watch over me when I'm sleeping."

It was little Miss B's and little Mr. B's second birthday, so the kids celebrated with a piñata.  And when I say piñata, I mean piñata.  I mean candy.  I mean candy for days.  The kids were happy.  Very happy.

Farewell, beautiful creation...until next year.


  1. I can't believe how tiny Carissa looks in that photo! Fun memories!


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