Mommy Questions

So, I decided to get brave and ask the kids questions about me.  It made me smile, laugh and cringe.

Claire - 2 1/2 years

Corrine - 4 1/2 years

Brandon - 6 1/2 years

Why did God make mommies?
Claire: Because He wanted to lift you to the park. (chuckle)
Corrine: So they can have babies. 
Brandon: So they can watch over us.

How did God make mommies?
Claire: Like a backpack. (giggle)

Corrine: God put the bones in, the eyes in, and He just put them altogether.
Brandon: First it was Adam and Eve, then it kept going and going until she was born inside someone’s tummy.

What ingredients are mommies made of?
Claire: May-may. (hysterical laughing)
Corrine: I don’ t know.  I don’t even have a word!
Brandon: Skin, blood, heart, bones, blood, eyes, fingers, neck, nose, teeth made out of cement, and that’s about it.

Why did God give you your mommy and not some other mom?
Claire: Because.

Corrine: Because that’s the mom I had.
Brandon: So you could have me as a baby, then I could grow and grow and grow and turn six.  When I was little, I kind of thought you were mean, but now I know you are really nice.

What kind of little girl was your mom?
Claire: (laughter--no response)

Corrine: I don’t know.  You were happy.
Brandon: Kind of like Summer, Brooklyn’s sister.

What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
Claire: I don't understand.

Corrine: You had to see how he acted and see if you wanted to marry him.
Brandon: What he does and see if he was crazy or not.

Why did your mom marry your dad?
Claire: (no answer--tries to vacuum suck a cup to her face using her mouth)

Corrine: Because you picked him.
Brandon: Because he loved the Lord.

Who’s the boss at your house?
Claire: Daddy.

Corrine: Daddy.
Brandon: Daddy and Mommy, but usually Daddy because he has the money.

What’s the difference between moms and dads?
Claire: Can you open this umbrella for me? Thanks.
Corrine: I don’t know.  Moms have babies and dads don’t, that’s all.
Brandon: (detailed info) But that’s kind of private.

What would it take to make your mom perfect?
Claire: (walking around the house with the umbrella)

Corrine: If she was nice and not mean to God.
Brandon: If she listened to God.

If you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?
Claire: (twirling umbrella)

Corrine: That she would be nice.  Sometimes she doesn't do the things that God wants her to do.
Brandon: That she would give me different consequences.

What does Mommy say the most?
Claire: Jesus.
Corrine: We aren't buying that today.  We are just buying the things on my list.
Brandon: Come here, Brandon.  And I obey, sometimes.

What makes Mommy happy?
Claire: The Lord.
Corrine: Having kids.
Brandon: Jesus died on the cross for her sins, so she didn't have to die.

What makes Mommy sad?
Claire: When I don’t obey.
Corrine: When she is all alone.
Brandon: When we don’t obey right away.

What makes Mommy laugh?
Claire: (wiggles her tongue in and out of her mouth)
Corrine: Funny looks.
Brandon: When we are funny.

How old is Mommy?
Claire: Two.  Two and a half (laughs)
Corrine: 32.
Brandon: 30.

How much does mommy weigh?
Claire: 90
Corrine: 100
Brandon: 60

What is Mommy's favorite thing to do?
Claire: Play Hide-n-Seek.
Corrine: I don’t know. Going swimming.
Brandon: Parties.

What does Mommy do when you are not around?
Claire: Find me.
Corrine: Clean up, clean up. (said in a sing-song voice)
Brandon: Play or go to the store.

What is Mommy really good at?
Claire: Nothing.
Corrine: Running. (sprinting)
Brandon: She is good at tennis.

What is Mommy not really good at?
Claire: Paying attention (chuckle).
Corrine: Her eyes can’t see very good.
Brandon: Running; Daddy can beat you easy. But that’s ok, Mommy, cuz you can cook better than him.

What does Mommy do for her job?
Claire: (Said something inappropriate and laughed).  You work on leaves. (giggle)
Corrine: She watches kids.
Brandon: Stay home and watch Corrine and Claire while I'm at school. But when I'm sick, I have to stay home and she watches me.

What is Mommy's favorite food?
Claire: Crunchy dinner! (Poppyseed Chicken)
Corrine: Chinese.
Brandon: Chili Rellanos

If Mommy was a cartoon character who would I be?
Claire: Ms. Frizzle.
Corrine: Ms. Frizzle.
Brandon: Ms. Frizzle. Cuz she is kinda happy all the time, but sometimes she is sad a little bit and sometimes you're sad a little bit.

What is your favorite thing that Mommy cooks?
Claire: Crunchy dinner!
Corrine: Chicken and Broccoli Casserole.
Brandon: Breaded Chicken sauteed in White Wine with mushrooms with rice pilaf.

And then I decided that was enough questions...


  1. You were pretty brave, Mel! Quite entertaining, as usual.

  2. Love it! Might have to try this with kendra.

  3. HA! Great post. I enjoyed it, as usual!

  4. Oh my word. So funny. So cute. So sweet. Cant wait to do this with mine when theyre a little older.

  5. So hilarious! Made me laugh! I loved how Brandon said Dad is the boss because he has the money:) Great post, I enjoyed it!


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