Spring Fever

It's official.  I have Spring Fever.

All last week, I basked in the sunshine and dreamed about this: 

All that dreaming motivated me.  It motivated me to work some more on this:

Yep.  I dug 95% of that by hand.  I like shoveling dirt.  Especially when I have a vision.  

And I don't mind pruning, so don't worry your little head over that.

My gardening time is my reflection/God time. I enjoy it immensely. (Actually, all the time is God time, but I'm sure you know what I mean.)

My kiddos enjoy it, too.
Corrine watering the flower garden that she and Brandon planted all by themselves.

Gardening has provided lots of opportunity for learning about science and responsibilities (my, responsibilities certainly has a lot of  "i" 's, doesn't it?).

Speaking of gardening...the hubs decided we needed another fruit tree, because 12 just wasn't enough. :)

I tried, and failed, to get excited about this addition to our orchard.  The last fig I had reminded me of an over-ripe, smashed banana.  I hope my next fig is better.  If it isn't, then Allan will be left to consume 30+ figs per day, for a few weeks every year by himself.  This doesn't sound good.

To celebrate the arrival of Spring, we took the kids for their first "swim" of the year.  The water was moving...and that's about it.  Rain?  Rain.  Please, rain.  We really could use some more rain.  

But it was "perfect" for the kids and the highlight of their weekend.

California weather, how I love thee!

And how the kids love thee!

Thank you, God, for making Spring!


  1. I am dreaming of spring too...especially after this last snow. You can have some of our rain/snow! You have to try figs again. I thought the same thing, but tried them again. You ate an overripe one..and they are better cold!

    1. I'm sorry...I think I might go nuts if I were you. You live in a beautiful, beautiful place, buuut...the weather just might do me in since I'm a sunshine kind of a girl. And you have renewed my faith in figs! I will hope for the best. :)

  2. ah such a happy post. i too love spring/summer, to be outdoors makes my disposition so much better!! Can't wait to see your finished gardening project!!

  3. This is just such a happy post! So cheery. My kids are enjoying being outside too!


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