I Want to Marry Someone Like...

"Paige.  I want to marry a girl like Paige," Brandon said.

"Why?"  I asked.

"Because.  Because she's really quiet.  She talks to me, but she doesn't talk too much.  I don't want to marry a girl who talks too much.  And Paige loves the Lord.  She's a good worker.  She likes animals.  And Paige likes me."

"What about you, Corrine?"  I asked.

"I don't know," she replied.  "Probably a boy who doesn't talk too much.  I think I would like a quiet one like Daddy.  Not like Ding-Dong."  (translation: "Ding-Dong" is David Anastasia.  Brandon called him that after the first time he went to David & Nancy's house.  He was young, very young.  David's house had a doorbell--we didn't--and thus the name.)


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