Sensative Soul

The apple didn't fall far from the tree.  It rarely does.  Often times I say, "You sound just like Aunt Janelle."  And she does.  Her fingers look just like Janelle's too. 

When I brush her hair she fusses.  I sigh loudly.  She looks up at me with her big eyes and asks, "Did Aunt Janelle fuss when she got her hair brushed when she was little?"

But in all honesty I can't say it's all Janelle.  Yes, it's me too.  Like the time I looked over to see Claire playing on the floor with poo.  No description necessary.  Suffice to say it was a major blowout.  And it was gross.  I exclaimed.  Corrine looked across the room, her eyes widened, her face went pale and up came her supper.  Chaos reigns. 

She's sensitive to pain, joy, fear, smells, disapproval, noises and everything else.  She was not an easy baby.  It takes time to peel back all the layers of drama and see her personality.  Well, I guess it all IS her personality.  She's complex.  And I love her immensely. 

Today she started bawling out of the blue.  Not entirely unusual, but Brandon was nowhere around.  "Corrine, what's wrong?"  She begins that high squeaky noise that proceeds a loud cry. 

"I miss Tyson."

"Honey, is that really why you're crying?  Or is something else wrong?"  She continued to reaffirm that she was 'missing Tyson'.

So we had a little chat about God, Jesus and heaven.  She cuddled up and calmed down. 

Sweet, sensitive soul.


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