Crustier Dinna' Barnacle

I was sitting on the couch tonight with Corrine and Claire.

"Claire, are you one?" I asked, holding up one finger.  "Can you show me one?"

Corrine chimed in, "I'm three.  Look Claire, this is three."  She holds up three fingers.

"And I'm 31," I said.  I flashed three sets of ten fingers followed by one finger.

"WHOA!"  exclaims Corrine.  "You are odder, crustier dinna' barnacle.  Pretty soon you are gonna fly up to heaven, and we're going to have to get a new mama."


  1. Thanks for inviting us in to the McWilliams family blog! Love hearing the stories. It's neat you're writing them down, (kind of like a new age journal,) because you will forget, I promise!

  2. Thanks, Melanie! That was some great reading! If I notice you and Allan looking weary, I will just chalk it up to another normal day at the McWilliams!!

  3. HaHa! My word to type in for security to enter my last comment was "demonf". Was that funny or fitting?


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