Summer Vacation Part Two: Sonora, Jamestown and Columbia

The second half of our vacation was spent in the old mining towns of Sonora, Jamestown and Columbia.  We had good intentions of doing some gold panning, but the creeks were dry due to lack of rain this last year.  Instead, we did all the fun, touristy things.

Our first stop was the Jamestown Railtown Museum.  It's an old train depot from the 1800's, and much of it has been left "just as it was".

We took a train ride...which the kids loved (and so did we).  The trains at the Jamestown Railtown Museum have been in over 200 movies/tv shows/commercials.  So chances are, you've seen them before.

"Whoa!  This is just like Thomas the Train!" said Brandon.

An old parlor car.

 They sold popcorn for $.25/bag. Definitely a not-for-profit business.

 Allan and I would definitely recommend a visit to the Jamestown Railtown Museum, if you're in the area.

The next day, we visited the town of Columbia.  Columbia is one of the few mining towns left undisturbed.  We definitely recommend a visit here as well.

Most of the buildings were open and being used.  If they weren't open, you could look through the windows and see all the original furniture or equipment, like a printing press.

This is Claire's new "smile" face.

The forge was Brandon's favorite.  Like everything else, it was a "working" shop.  The blacksmith was slaving away over the hot fire, drinking water out of a tin cup.

Look!  It's me.  I truly do exist!  Thank you, random college-age girl, for taking this for us.

This was Claire's favorite.  The stage ride.  We went on a ride through the countryside, on a narrow, tree lined road, complete with a holdup in a cluster of rocks in the river bottom.

The kids dressed up "like Mary & Laura" in one of the buildings.

Dinner at Diamondback Grill in Sonora.

The past-time of choice at the hotel.

Claire was very proud of her 'coon skin cap she chose for a souvenir.

Claire "smiling" and Corrine showing off her souvenir ring.

The stagecoach that we rode.

All the kids loved this.

Allan enjoying some cream soda while the kids share a gigantic snickerdoodle.

No vehicles were allowed inside the "park".  I loved all the trees and old buildings.

Such a charming town, Columbia.

On our way home, we stopped by Hilmar Cheese Factory.

Mmmmm...the BEST cheese and potato chowder I have ever had.

The grounds of the visitor center were beautifully landscaped...if only they had provided nose plugs.  Phew!  Those cows were stinkin'!

After six days of vacation, it was good to come home.  I think.

Vacations are lovely, aren't they?


  1. Looks like you all had fun!! Thanks for sharing. We miss you all.

  2. Enjoyed your photos! Looks like some places we might enjoy visiting someday.

  3. What a fun vacation. Made me want take a family vacation in my home state!

  4. Looks SO fun! By the way you look so pretty:)


  5. Great pics! Good to see you in some ;)

  6. Great postings of your vacation! enjoyed the trip!

  7. Thank you for letting me enjoy the backseat with you on your vacation. I love the simple pictures of the family and they will be favorites in years to come. Camping is one of my favorites, also.


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