
I drifted silently on the sea of dreamland, the wind whispering in my ear.  Suddenly, my small barque dipped and rocked, jolting me awake.  I heard the cackling of seagulls in my ear.

But as my eyes opened, I realized it wasn't gulls.  It was my spouse.  And cackling he was.

"Good morning, Mommy," said a little voice.  Brandon.  "Happy Mother's Day!"  He set a bowl of something right under my nose.

I worked to pry my eyes open.  The hubs continued to cackle.

"Daddy, why are you laughing at me?" Brandon asked.

"Probably because Mommy can hardly open her eyes.  What time is it?" I said.

"6:30," said Allan.

"Wow.  You brought me a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats to eat in bed?" I asked.

"Yup.  I wanted to bring you breakfast-in-bed.  And I made a present for you," he said.

He handed me this:

"Thank you so much, Brandon. That was very thoughtful of you, and I really, really like my present," I said.

Brandon's been into celebrations lately.  I think the child is going to be just like his dad in that regard.  Allan is great about traditions.  He's responsible, timely, diligent.  And me?  Well, Allan's b-day card has been sitting on top of the microwave for the past two weeks.  I haven't written in it yet.  Pathetic.

Thank goodness we have Brandon.  He made sure Allan's b-day party came together.

Presents. Check. (Coffee card, Lowe's card & Circus Peanuts)

Cards. Check.

Streamers.  Check.

Balloons.  Check.  Ice cream.  Check.

And it's only a few more weeks until my birthday.  Between my two men, I'm sure it'll be special.  Who knows, I may even get some more Honey Bunches of Oats delivered to my pillow.  In a bowl.  With milk.  At 6:30 in the morning.


  1. Adorbs? Check.
    I love your family.

  2. So cute. He'll grow up to be a good husband and daddy someday!

  3. ^^ What Jill said! I love this. Good ole Brandon.


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