Hunter Liggett in the Year 2013

Every year, during Spring Break, we go camping at this beautiful place.

And every time, year after year, my heart starts singing when my eyes rest on this beautiful little corner of creation.  God did a good job.  A real good job.

Allan finagled a couple of days off of work (thank you kindly, boss man), so we were able to spend four blissful days together as a family.  Well, the last afternoon wasn't so blissful.  Child #1 had a bit of a meltdown.

The first day we went went on a hike with some friends and cousins.

Random explorations are THE best.  You stumble across all kinds of neato things.  Things like pretty little succulents growing in sandstone crevices.

And neato sandstone benches.

And neato caves.

I found myself so absorbed in all the little beautiful details around me, that the hubs kept looking wonderingly at me as I sprawled out on a rock to get a macro image of the little moss world growing all over the boulder on my right.

"Honey, what are you doing?"  he asked.

And a little while later, I saw this on my left.

So, I slithered across rocks, crouched in tall grass, and peered through tree leaves.

And somehow, I managed to escape the ticks.

The following days we hiked to an old Indian (Native American) cave.

We had lunch way up high on the rocks overlooking camp.

Why, hello there handsome husband!

And we danced.  Well, some of did.

And we took pictures to scare the living daylights out of each and every grandma on earth.

And we rode bikes...and trikes.  And we had tykes on trikes.

We had bigger tykes in the water.

And little tykes out of the water.

Medium-sized tykes half-in and half-out of the water.

And some tykes throwing rocks in the water.

And I just soaked in God's love that was so evident in the creation all around me.

And I thanked Him for the wonderful life He has given me, the wonderful people I share it with, but most of all for Him.  I thanked Him that he has promised to be there through the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.

Now, it's back to reality.  Back to laundry and chores and bills and meals and fussing and fighting.

But He's still here.  Just as He was there.

Lord, let the eyes of my heart see Your beauty always.


  1. Looks like so much fun! I love the photo of Bode! Thanks for all the pictures:)


    1. I know you would have loved to have been there! Bode is an adorably happy little man. (BTW: Baby?!?! Wherefore art thou?)

    2. Well, Baby is just taking her sweet time:) I guess she takes after us and is just running a little late!


  2. Did you dance in the Indian cave? Chuckle, chuckle! Good memories. Loved all the pics.

    1. Bahahaha! Not this time. When you come out next Spring (hint, hint), we'll have to have an authentic tribal celebration for old time's sake. ;) And our kids will think we are nuts.

  3. Thanks for all the pictures. They brought back lots of memories for me. I miss Hunter Liggett. We miss you all.


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