Signs and Such and So On and So Forth

Yes.  I made this yesterday.

It was created in my head a couple of years ago.  But it only came to fruition yesterday.

It was time.  Past time, in fact. The pallets had been dissembled and reassembled by the DH and subsequently painted by yours truly one sunny afternoon long ago.  Like five long months ago.

Then the hubs went and posed the question I had seen simmering in his eyes for the last 4 months and 29 days.  "So, when are you going to make that sign?"

I vowed then in there that I would get 'er done.

And I like how she turned out.  I will keep her.  I will cherish her.

But do you want to know what I like best about my sign?  Good.  Because I'm hankering to tell you.

The words are true.  Beloved.  Friend.

Now, I could go on and on about the DH.  But quite frankly, I grimace every time I read blogs or hear people gushing about their significant others.  I guess it's not the fact that they admire their spouse, but rather, when they get all mushy-gushy with phrases like, "My husband is the MOST amazing man in the WORLD."  I tend to think they are attempting to over-compensate for what is lacking in the relationship.  Hmmmm......maybe that's not a fair statement, considering the fact that I pulled the quote from the Song of Songs.  Without a doubt, THAT is the ultimate in the mushy-gushy department.  I'm still trying to figure out how teeth that look like a flock of freshly shorn and washed sheep is a romantic compliment.

Anyhow...moving right along.

I love that Allan wanted to share his life with me. Why did he?  I'm still trying to figure that one out. Especially when I get all crabby at him about something if little importance (usually a minor difference in opinion with regard to child-raising).

I'm the dreamer, he's the doer.  I'm the feeler, he's the thinker.  I'm spontaneous, he's reflective.  I'm the night owl, he's the early bird.  It might be easier to identify the things we DO have in common than the many that are in direct opposition.

And...I've never had a better friend.  Never.  Ever.

God is good.

Note: Phrase taken from Song of Songs 5:16 (the second half of the verse...ahem)


  1. Love your sign! I'll have to go check out Song of Songs for some inspiration of my own - ha!

  2. Your room looks truly fab, I'm digging the new blog design and of course I LOVE the Song sign, .....but you already knew that! How's that for mushy-gushyness, haha;)

    1. ...and I've seen the sign question simmering in your eyes, for like, forever. It's rather unfortunate that chose this procrastinator for a friend.

    2. Oh, goof! All my friends are procrastinators of some sort! And I fit right in. 'Tis a lovely, fortunate thing. As far as my room (house) isn't done.. That is in My plans for 2013! Have an excellent week.

  3. Great job on the sign, Mel. And, I, too, love the new look of your blog.

  4. wow your blog looks great. digging up the old computer skills huh? =) cute sign and *snort* about the first part of that verse. =) oh and yeah, 5 months later doesn't seem too bad to me.

  5. Nice you could wade through the laundry pile and get the sign done, it looks smashing.
    Thank you for sparing us the mush-gush that your DH is really the best.
    Nice new blog look.
    Now you can go set that heavy crown down in your kitchen! : )

  6. If you think about it, the fact that your teeth don't look like wooly sheep that need to be sheared, usually pretty hairy and dirty, it's a compliment haha. Love your sign and room.

    1. So, the next time you say "hi" and smile, don't be too weirded out if I gasp and refuse to make eye contact. Pretty sure I'm going to be getting a visual of you with hairy, wooly, dirty teeth...


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