I Have No Need of You

I haven't posted in an eon.

I have several posts in the works, but they are waiting for pictures.  But tonight, I don't really have a bunch of pictures to go with my post.  I just have a bunch of nonsensical words, thrown together in a nonsensical melting pot and someway, somehow, I'm hoping to draw out something sensible.

Last week, I was driving home after picking up the kids from school.  They were probably arguing in the back seat (because that's what happens in the car these days), but I was in my own little world having my own little conversation with God.  I was thinking about how I really enjoy being around certain people.  I get them.  They get me.  (start singing) We're a happy family.

Then there are some folks that I have a harder time being around.  The folks in my life that I tolerate.  The ones I know I need to love, but I don't, at least not in sincerity.  I don't hate them.  They're just kind of there.  They exist.  Sometimes they seem illogical. Sometimes I don't trust them.  Or they just don't seem to be benefiting me in my life.

So, when is enough, enough?

"God? When is enough, enough?"

Ah, Melanie. The eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you."

He's not much for beating around the bush.  He's so very patient and so very faithful.  He's so very loving and so very compassionate.  And He speaks to my heart.

Then came a disappointing weekend.  But God never disappoints.

As I sat on the front stoop this morning with sunlight in my face, I talked to Him some more and the first verse I read was this:

Stop Arguing With Each Other ] Brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, I beg all of you to agree with each other. You should not be divided into different groups. Be completely joined together again with the same kind of thinking and the same purpose. 1 Corinthians 1:10 ERV

Then I listened to some encouraging music and later in the day read this.  If you just skimmed over that link, go back and click on it. Now. This is your mother speaking. *snort*

God doesn't really need me in His life.  But He chose me.  He loves me.  He wants me.  Yes, even me.

How can I say, "I have no need of you."?

I need you.

I Have No need of you


  1. I like your thoughts here Melanie. Jami's post was really good too. You both have a way with words and expressing them clearly. I'm thankful too that I even GET a seat at the banqueting table with our savior.

  2. I needed this:) Thank you for sharing!



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