Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig
...although the phrase doesn't sound entirely appropriate when you address the fact that the writer was talking about buying fat pigs. And moving right along...
It's always exhilarating to vacate AND to come home.
And since I'm sure you all are anxiously awaiting the highlights, here they are:
Airplane Ride, There and Home
I am amazed. You must have been praying. To speak in Uncle Dave terms, I'd give it a 113 out of 100. Minus one for not being able to find the Long Term Parking Lot and their phone number being disconnected. Minus one for Corrine's leg falling asleep. Minus two for the two descents when Corrine's left ear gave her grief. And minus a big one for Brandon asking, "Are we there yet?"
Plus five for arriving 10-25 minutes earlier than scheduled on EVERY flight. Is that a marketing scheme? Plus three for good weather in Denver, Chicago, and Dulles. Plus ten for Southwest customer service.
Claire gets the Fabulous Flyer of the Century award. She waved at everyone as we boarded the plane, smiled at the little passenger crying behind us, was easily entertained, and slept when she was tired.
We were well. But Adam, Janelle and Kendra all got the barfies, though short-lived, while we were there. Uh...what can I say? We lived up to our reputation.
Crazy, crazy. Felt like we were still in CA. I can think of two times that I really needed my jacket.
The People
It was good to spend time with family and chat briefly with old friends. The week flew by. I felt slightly guilty that we didn't spend more time with our friends and less time with family. Only slightly. Though it would have been fun to see you, Kels.
Kendra and the kids had fun playing together. They got along remarkably well. Probably a handful of sharing issues that were quickly resolved, and that's about it. My kids had their own, normal issues, but we're just talking about the combination of families right now.
It was good to chat with Janelle. We had a Girls' Afternoon Out at Potomac Mills. And it was wonderful to be with Laurie and Erin. I think they feel more like sisters than cousins sometimes. And Gemma. The cutest little butterball ever.
The Kids
They all loved the airplane. Corrine's favorite was the Maucho Train (Metro).
Brandon's favorite was the Air and Space Museum and the Pencil Tower.
I think my little animal lover, Claire, liked the National Zoo. I mean, what's not to like about being inches away from regurgitating, nose-picking and eating gorillas? All joking aside, the lion display was remarkable.
Speaking of primates...
While at the Museum of Natural History, we quickly cruised past the Neanderthal display while on our way to the restrooms. But Brandon was quicker. "Who are those people?"
"Oh, some people from a long time ago. Like in Bible times," replied Aunt Janelle. (I have since explained the whole idea of evolution.)
"Oooh! Is that Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?" he queries...loudly. "Is it? Is it, Mommy? Mommy! Is that Adam and Eve?"
And on the airplane...
There was 30-year-old version of Buckwheat, complete with hairdo, sitting behind us,. Plus 300 lbs. All of four feet away.
"Mommy," asks Corrine, while pointing. "Is that --that right there--is that a boy or a girl?"
Gulp. "Don't point. A boy." I mutter.
"Then why does he have those ponytails all over his head?" she asks, not too quietly.
"Boys can have long hair or boys can have short hair," I replied.
"Yep!" Brandon chimes in, "That's just the way God made him!"
I don't know how he took it. My gaze was firmly fixed on the seat cushion.
Brandon was his usual outgoing self on the trip. He had no problem playing with the boys in Fredericksburg or singing with the kids (the songs that he knew). Corrine was her usual reserved self. She enjoyed playing with Lydia Daigle (she's eleven but loves little kids/babies). Sunday night in Richmond was the only time we had a meltdown. It reminded me of home.
I'm sure I could write and write, but we'll leave it at that for now.
Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
It's always exhilarating to vacate AND to come home.
And since I'm sure you all are anxiously awaiting the highlights, here they are:
Airplane Ride, There and Home
I am amazed. You must have been praying. To speak in Uncle Dave terms, I'd give it a 113 out of 100. Minus one for not being able to find the Long Term Parking Lot and their phone number being disconnected. Minus one for Corrine's leg falling asleep. Minus two for the two descents when Corrine's left ear gave her grief. And minus a big one for Brandon asking, "Are we there yet?"
Plus five for arriving 10-25 minutes earlier than scheduled on EVERY flight. Is that a marketing scheme? Plus three for good weather in Denver, Chicago, and Dulles. Plus ten for Southwest customer service.
Claire gets the Fabulous Flyer of the Century award. She waved at everyone as we boarded the plane, smiled at the little passenger crying behind us, was easily entertained, and slept when she was tired.
We were well. But Adam, Janelle and Kendra all got the barfies, though short-lived, while we were there. Uh...what can I say? We lived up to our reputation.
Crazy, crazy. Felt like we were still in CA. I can think of two times that I really needed my jacket.
(Belle Isle)
The People
It was good to spend time with family and chat briefly with old friends. The week flew by. I felt slightly guilty that we didn't spend more time with our friends and less time with family. Only slightly. Though it would have been fun to see you, Kels.
Kendra and the kids had fun playing together. They got along remarkably well. Probably a handful of sharing issues that were quickly resolved, and that's about it. My kids had their own, normal issues, but we're just talking about the combination of families right now.
It was good to chat with Janelle. We had a Girls' Afternoon Out at Potomac Mills. And it was wonderful to be with Laurie and Erin. I think they feel more like sisters than cousins sometimes. And Gemma. The cutest little butterball ever.
The Kids
They all loved the airplane. Corrine's favorite was the Maucho Train (Metro).
Brandon's favorite was the Air and Space Museum and the Pencil Tower.
I think my little animal lover, Claire, liked the National Zoo. I mean, what's not to like about being inches away from regurgitating, nose-picking and eating gorillas? All joking aside, the lion display was remarkable.
Speaking of primates...
While at the Museum of Natural History, we quickly cruised past the Neanderthal display while on our way to the restrooms. But Brandon was quicker. "Who are those people?"
"Oh, some people from a long time ago. Like in Bible times," replied Aunt Janelle. (I have since explained the whole idea of evolution.)
"Oooh! Is that Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?" he queries...loudly. "Is it? Is it, Mommy? Mommy! Is that Adam and Eve?"
And on the airplane...
There was 30-year-old version of Buckwheat, complete with hairdo, sitting behind us,. Plus 300 lbs. All of four feet away.
"Mommy," asks Corrine, while pointing. "Is that --that right there--is that a boy or a girl?"
Gulp. "Don't point. A boy." I mutter.
"Then why does he have those ponytails all over his head?" she asks, not too quietly.
"Boys can have long hair or boys can have short hair," I replied.
"Yep!" Brandon chimes in, "That's just the way God made him!"
I don't know how he took it. My gaze was firmly fixed on the seat cushion.
Brandon was his usual outgoing self on the trip. He had no problem playing with the boys in Fredericksburg or singing with the kids (the songs that he knew). Corrine was her usual reserved self. She enjoyed playing with Lydia Daigle (she's eleven but loves little kids/babies). Sunday night in Richmond was the only time we had a meltdown. It reminded me of home.
I'm sure I could write and write, but we'll leave it at that for now.
Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
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