Mud Pie

Run the clock backwards to last fall...

When hear the words "mud pie", the first thing that comes to mind is a delectable dessert. I'm not a huge dessert person (I prefer salty, real food), but Mud Pie is pret-ty gooood. The second thing that comes to mind, is childhood memories of making the runny creations outside.

I really should know better by now. There is one Bible verse that perpetually runs through my head. And that is, "A child left to himself brings shame to his mother." But sometimes I feel like: "A child NOT left to himself drives his mother to insanity." So I enjoy my few moments of quietness from time to time.
So, I let the kids go outside to play. I even stuck my head out the front door. "What are you guys doing?"

"Just making mud pies," was the response.  And they were.  Of course, they neglected to tell me WHERE they were making mud pies.

"What in the world?" I asked as Corrine walked through the door. 

"We're making mud pies.  Brandon was making them on my head-y," she replied.


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